

Our Basic Handcrafted Design Package is perfect for start-up sites, small business, ministry sites, and authors. All the standard EZ-CMS tools are included. Up to 8 professionally crafted main pages plus a contact form. Call 877 313-7593 for more details.

Our Gold Handcrafted Design Package includes all the standard features plus Google Analytics, Heroes on every page, EZ-CMS Store, Events with signup form, Audio, Video and more. Up to 15 professionally crafted main pages plus a contact form. Call 877 313-7593 for more details.

Our Platinum Handcrafted Design Package includes all the standard features plus; Advanced Custom Designed features, Custom Home Page Media Display, Google Analytics, Heroes on every page, EZ-CMS Store, Events with signup form, Audio, Video and more. Also includes, Custom SQL Database with Interactive Memberships, Forms, Password Protected Pages and Social Media Wall. Up to 21 professionally crafted main pages plus a contact form. Call 877 313-7593 for more details.

We build handcrafted websites. That means we excel at custom built websites as well as taylor made packages. Sometimes your website needs a little of this or a little of that. Our staff will handcraft a site that meets your exact needs. Please contact us, we will be glad to provide you with a quote.
$700.00 - $15,000+

Included In Every Package


Celebration Web Design offers an extensive list of web development services that will be handcrafted according to your organizations needs and budget. We offer professionally designed websites, web hosting, domain registration, logo design and SEO marketing. Custom-built sites are flexible and can grow with you. Down the road if you need changes to the design or functionality we will be there to help. Our staff always enjoys a challenge, if you have an idea we can help you explore the possibilities. 

A website can be a very powerful tool when done correctly, but a poorly-executed one will probably work against you. Our Mission is to provide organizations and individuals with a full featured, high quality, handcrafted, responsive website at an affordable price.

Call 877 313-7593 or email to receive your 10% ministry or non-profit discount.