Everything you need at your fingertips! If you know how to use a word processor, you know how to use EZ-CMS!
CMS is shorthand for Content Management System. EZ is Celebration Web Design’s take on a simple to use but powerful CMS platform.
The EZ-CMS page editor lets you do just about anything a word processor does, plus embed videos and much more.
EZ-CMS comes with loads of features. Easily upload and distribute your organization's valuable information.
Celebration Web Design is your technical department. If you or your website has a problem, we are only a call or email away.
Managing, adding and displaying a blog is as simple as emailing! Plus our control center allows every comment to be reviewed before appearing.
Adding an Event to your site is as simple as filling out an online form. Users can register by utilizing our built in online sign-up form.
The EZ-CMS Photo Gallery practically sets itself up. Photos are automatically optimized for the web when uploaded.
Add, Modify, Move & Delete any page from anywhere with our EZ-CMS one page control system.
Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible web services available. GET STARTED